| FH early career scientist board


FH early career scientist board

FH early career scientist board

FH early career scientist board


Website description

This page is dedicated to PhD students and Postdocs belonging to the FH department at DESY. Communication and feedback are the core part of the website. Here you can find information about the most important topics for young career scientists.

The feedback box on the right can also be used to send anonymous messages to our mailing list, please use it!

What to expect from the early career scientist board?

The FH-department has a new Early career scientist board now!

We are representing each of the group belonging to the FH-department. We are regularly reporting to the FH-Director, about problems, possible improvements and feedbacks from the early career community at DESY.

We adress topics like: PhD well being and duties, the future of PostDocs, recognition of merits, better communication of events and opportunities and much more..


If you want to contact us just write an email at fh-earlycareer@desy.de and/or check the Contact page on this website to contact individual representatives.
Feedbacks on the websites or whatever other topic are highly welcome, feel free to interact with us as much as possible!

Upcoming ECSB meetings

There are no events scheduled for the coming days.

News box

All PhD students can get the "Energiepreispauschale". For additional details go to slide 6 of the presentation at the link above.
The application form is at this link: https://www.einmalzahlung200.de/eppsg-en